Santa Barbara Quantum Health

>What's New 2023

Flower Essences | Gem Elixirs | Formulas | Bach Remedies | A-Z
Shaman Healing Elixirs | Astrology & Numerology Elixirs
Platinum Alchemy | Tektite Elixirs | Sacred Geometry Elixirs

Vitality / Energy / Fatigue

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Blackberry - Stuck or Entangled, Higher Guidance, Vitality, Flow of Life
Blackberry has delicate white flowers with numerous stamens, floating above the bramble. Bramble describes the way berry bushes grow in prickly tangled thickets. This Flower Essence helps us get back into the flow of life when we're stuck or entangled in our difficulties. It strongly enhances our connection to the Higher Self, when we take but a moment to go inside, get centered, and ask for the answer to our conundrums. Solutions come more easily, such as in a sudden inspiration or vivid dream. Blackberry teaches how, in any moment, we can go within to ask and receive. Fear of dying, for ourselves or for others, is allayed, restoring faith and focus in living. It also disperses blockages in the flow of vital energy to our organs, glands, and cells, to stimulate and harmonize rhythmic processes. Think about the lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, digestion, glandular secretions, elimination, and the like. It creates a greater sense of vitality. This Essence clears the way, showing that we are ever supported and sustained by Universal energy, from the most physical to the most ethereal levels of our being, just for the asking.

Black Tourmaline First Chakra
- Ground, Stability, Protection from Negativity

Black Tourmaline (Schorl) clears and activates the First or Base Chakra to ground our spiritual Light and protect us from negative energies. This Elixir relieves stress, anxiety, hyperactivity and disorientation. During chaos, it stabilizes and centers us, enhancing calm and quiescence. Our character is strengthened to better help us understand and work within a culture or society. We can actualize our lives more easily. Our physical vitality improves. And since the First Chakra activates the minor chakras in the feet and the energy that flows up through them, Black Tourmaline is excellent with foot massage and reflexology. Being grounded is a good thing as it helps us thrive on the Earth.

Boji Balls
Integrate Body/Mind/Spirit: Nature & Body Awareness. Clear Subconscious. Channeling

Boji Balls, one of the Shaman Balls (Pop Rock to geologists), are brown-black roundish concretions of iron pyrite with traces of palladium. They're found at the base of a natural pyramid formation in southwestern Kansas. Some have a smooth surface (feminine) and some a ridged surface (masculine). Local tribal shamans used them in healing and would throw them in the fire to create explosions during ceremonies. They balance all chakras, subtle bodies, and yin/yang aspects. The Elixir is grounding and helps people to tune in to Mother Earth, Nature and their own body. It increases telepathic contact with animal and plants and enhances the body's general health, healing and energy. It's excellent for gardeners, veterinarians, whisperers, and nature lovers, and for those into body culture and health, such as athletes, yoginis, and bodyworkers. It cleanses the subconscious mind of negative thought patterns replacing them with uplifted thoughts and feelings. And too the ability to channel inner guidance and the higher realms is greatly enhanced. Boji Balls are an all-round benefactor to balance the subtle anatomy and yin/yang as well as strengthening and integrating body, mind and spirit.

Coffee - Acumen/Quick Decision Making/Better Motor Response
Coffee flower remedy offers a number of benefits similar to the coffee beverage but without the physical irritation. It helps us to make quick decisions by relieving indecisiveness and over-analyzing. Also it powerfully enhances our mental acumen or acuity, as well as improving our motor nerve responses. If a person is cutting back on drinking coffee, it eases the side effects, such as headache, body aches, and fatigue. There are many ways that coffee essence may assist us - making quick decisions, taking fast decisive action, studying for exams, taking timed tests, using for competitions and contests, and thinking on our feet, such as with driving, bicycling, sports, refereeing, surfing, supervising children, and even dancing. It's good to have on hand!

Color Elixirs used simultaneously:
Color Elixir Red is an exciting and outgoing vibration related to assertiveness. It expresses vitality, physical strength, and the ability to act, adding force, vigor, energy, and warmth. It stimulates and excites, clearing blockages, sluggishness and limitations. The color red also kindles the first chakra at the base of the spine and supports its associated gland, the adrenals.
Color Elixir Orange releases creativity and arouses the sexual drive. It improves the focus to succeed and expands interests and activities. It also promotes assimilation and invigorates the second chakra in the sacral-hip cradle area and the associated glands, the gonads.
Color Elixir Yellow is a sunny color that enhances motivation and persistence, removing procrastination. It rejuvenates, reactivates and reenergizes. Yellow activates the mind and one's enjoyment of the moment. It has a centering quality, and stimulates the third chakra at the solar plexus and the associated gland, the pancreas.

Danjeon Breathing Formula
Danjeon Breathing is a form of exercise developed before the early days of acupuncture by the wealthy and powerful Korean elites for longevity, relief from aches and complaints, and as an immune system bolster. Though kept secret for centuries, it moved into the mainstream throughout South Korea after the Korean War. Its Taoist view, that our bodies and minds interact with a natural flow of energy, is similar to that of Chi gong, and also Hatha yoga which seeks to create a cleansing energy flow throughout the body. What distinguishes Danjeon Breathing is a special focused breathing technique done in the lower abdomen below the navel to fill the body with chi and retain it to improve health, stamina, will power, flexibility, oxygenation, and immune response.
The Danjeon Breathing Formula accentuates the benefits of Danjeon Breathing exercises, loosening the whole abdominal region, including the lower area restricted in most people. It relaxes the mind, emotions, muscles and nervous system while opening and balancing the meridian energy flows. And finally it enhances breathing exercises utilized for spiritual progress as well as increasing the capacity to mentally move chi in and around the body. You can learn more about Danjeon Breathing at
Ingredients: Bloodstone, Dark opal, Moonstone, Chrysocolla, Galena, Comfrey, Chamomile, Dandelion, Lilac, Copper, Silver, Gold

Extreme Immunity
The immune system is increasingly challenged and asked to adapt in the current world situation. Extreme Immunity is formulated to vibrationally strengthen, balance, regenerate and evolve the immune and endocrine systems. Thymus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, pancreas, spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, brain and nervous system are all fortified. This Formula aids the cleansing of viral, bacterial, fungal, foreign or alien infections and toxins. It also disperses blockage in the flow of vital energy to organs, glands and cells, stimulating and harmonizing the body's rhythmic processes, and creating a greater sense of vitality. It provides protection from EMF, WiFi, ELF and other forms of radiation. Confidence, patience, unconditional love, and visualization for selfhealing all get a big boost. It is helpful for those who catch frequent infections, are chronically ill, have serious disease or allergies, or whose immune systems react rather than protect. Combines well with Cold/Flu Ease.
Ingredients: Blackberry, Platinum, Rutilated Quartz, I. O. Jasper, Gold, Jade, American Ginseng, Amaranthus, Queen of Denmark Rose, Peach, Peridot, Self-Heal, Corn, Pansy, Shungite, Crabapple, Olive, Filtered water and Alcohol
Fire Jasper - Warrior Stamina & Courage. Self-Expression. Inspiration. Integrity
Fire Jasper, also known as Tabu Jasper which is mined in Africa, consists of red jasper with spots or bands of white agate, quartz and hematite. In the Middle Ages, Red Jasper was a warriors' stone worn to enhance strength, vitality and courage, imbuing a down-to-earth nobility. Fire Jasper Elixir has a broadspectrum effect lending a sense of wholeness and balance in a number of ways. It improves grounding, stamina and vigor, clears and balances emotions, increases truthful speaking and just actions, and stimulates insight into things. One noticeably becomes more articulate and communicative and is better able to contact spirit guides. Yin and yang align. This Elixir is especially appropriate for the current world situation, providing warrior qualities to stand firm with confidence, endurance and integrity, along with level emotions, better self-expression and high inspiration. Fire Jasper is an ingredient in AstroProtect: Eris Square Pluto formula, where it represent Eris, the Warrior Goddess.

5G Shield Use the amplified and synergized power of gem, stone and metal Elixirs to greatly protect the energy field, physical body and cellular and biomolecular levels, from all types of EMF. Enhance and expand the life force entering the physical form as well as the repair and regeneration of all tissues, organs, glands, cells and DNA. Activate and strengthen the entire subtle anatomy. Raises the vibrational frequency of body, mind and spirit.
Ingredients: Satyaloka Quartz, Rutilated Quartz. Malachite, Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Walnut, Pink Granite, Chert, Shattuckite, Variscite, Olive, Turquoise, Green Jasper, IO Jasper, Tachyon

Hornbeam - For procrastinating and avoiding tasks
Hornbeam helps people who feel overwhelmed by their daily tasks. They feel tired, but once they get started, usually find that they can complete their duties. Their fatigue is more mental than physical, and is related to those things they dislike doing. This remedy is good for the "morning after" feeling or for Monday morning blues. It helps when studying for exams, tackling big projects at home or work, or doing less appealing tasks such as organizing, taxes or housework.
Hornbeam, as the energy remedy, improves certainty of one's strength and vitality, and restores enthusiasm, confidence, persistence and mental energy to face and accomplish all of one's tasks.

Illumined Integration Formula
This dynamic combination of new millennium mineral elixirs plus is a most alchemical formula and amplifies, links, and integrates all levels of inner being, personality and body together to bring wholeness, harmony, healing, creation and illumination. It increases ground and creative forces, focuses intent and ability to manifest, and expands the heart, higher consciousness, and psychic faculties. It connects us to a sense of true inner home with a destiny to fulfill while on planet Earth. Kundalini rises, aging slows while the whole subtle anatomy, including the twelve chakras, seven subtle bodies and all the meridians and nadis, is amplified and aligned. The DNA evolves into twelve strands. Protection increases from EMF, WiFi, microwaves, pollution, toxins and negative thought forms. Lightworkers, indigos, crystallines, starseeds, and those firmly on the spiritual path will enjoy the alchemy.

Illumined Success Formula
Generating success, like abundance (see Abundance Attitude Formula), is not based on a single attribute. It is a combination of qualities cast together to include motivation, creativity, perseverance, courage, confidence, ability to appreciate and network with others, communication, imagination, insight and inspiration, all underpinned with an optimistic attitude. This special combination of millennium gem elixirs helps to develop, harmonize, and integrate all of these elements to promote success whenever, wherever and however needed or desired. It has an especial focus on actualizing one's higher purpose in life and working in cooperation for the good of people and the Planet. People are better able to excel, innovate, express, share, persist, produce and manifest ideas, visions, plans, goals, pursuits and projects, no matter the area: artists, writers, engineers, activists, organizers, health professionals, business owners, inventors, scientists, teachers, parents, builders, leaders, etc. Let's go!
Ingredients: Zincite, Chrysoberyl, Ajoite, Natrolite, Beryllonite, Staurolite

Joyful Warrior
Joyful Warrior is dedicated to devoted people, caregivers, first responders, leaders, light workers, light warriors and the like, who take a stand for what’s right and good. Sometimes the pursuit or battle to assist people, family, community, nation or world, takes its toll and we lose our cheer, energy or faith, feeling overwhelmed by the burden of it all. This combination restores vitality, revives purpose and boosts optimism. Stamina, courage, standing firm, integrity, communication skills and insight, all warrior qualities, are favored. And too the Spirit is uplifted, infusing both body and being with vigor, joy and elation. Zest and enthusiasm replace burn out. We can laugh again, enjoying and carrying on with what we’ve been called to do.
Ingredients: Apophyllite, Fire Jasper, filtered water, alcohol by 40% volume

Mountain Mahogany - Conduct High Spiritual Energies into Action & Form
Mountain Mahogany powerfully conducts and translates the energies of cosmic awareness into the manifest form. These energies promote action and activities based on the Spirit within, not the ego. And they also help to actualize a physical body with a higher frequency. Procrastination and sluggishness dissipate. For those who don't feel at home because they come from higher dimensions or enlightened civilizations, the increased frequencies in the body help them feel more comfortable in the human form. This flower essence aligns the sixth and seventh chakras with the five above the head as well as the first chakra. It also stimulates the etheric body. Use this with the ascension and enlightenment process. Excellent with Purple Scallops, Jade Plant, Asphodel, and Acanthus, and the Ascension and Illumination Formulas.

Olive - For physical exhaustion after long effort or illness
Olive is the remedy for complete and utter exhaustion of body and mind. It is for the deep fatigue that follows a long struggle or a long bout with illness, when all reserve energy and strength have been depleted. Long periods of nursing someone, of personal difficulties, or of intense work or study are circumstances that may lead to a complete loss of energy, strength and reserve.
Olive restores mental and physical strength and vitality and renews one's lively interest in life.

Rosa Sericea (Wingthorn Rose) - Manifesting Purpose and Prosperity
Rosa Sericea (Wingthorn Rose), native to the Himalayas, displays some most interesting features. First, the bloom has only 4 petals (5 is usual). Second, it has striking, enormous red-winged thorns, that glow when the sun shines through them, contrasting with its ferny green foliage. The single white flowers bloom all along the canes. This Rose essence opens the Base, Heart and Crown chakras, and stimulates the Kundalini. The intellect is spiritualized to allow for better communication with one's Higher self and guides. Love, joy, gratitude and acceptance for life greatly increase. It's grounding and helps us better understand the nature of being physical and how to create new habits to manifest Purpose and prosperity. Rosa Sericea makes living on Earth easier and more pleasurable. Excellent to give ground to other Rose essences.

Self-Heal - Self-Healing & Fasting
This sweet little flower of the mint family has been used medicinally for hundreds of years. As an essence, it eases self-doubts and confusions, especially around the ability to heal or get well. For those facing great healing challenges, it enables them to affirm and draw from the deep wellspring of life for recovery, restoration and wholeness. It increases motivation and commitment for wellness, helping one turn inwardly for guidance to make decisions about one's health, and which treatments to choose. Use with psychosomatic ailments, recuperating children and convalescing elderly persons, and also as an aid for fasting to maintain one's focus, motivation and energy.

Sparking Success Formula
Generating success, like abundance (see Abundance Attitude Formula), is not based on a single attribute. It is a combination of qualities cast together to include motivation, creativity, perseverance, courage, confidence, ability to appreciate and network with others, communication, imagination, insight and inspiration, all underpinned with an optimistic attitude. This special combination of millennium gem elixirs helps to develop, harmonize, and integrate all of these elements to promote success whenever, wherever and however needed or desired. It has an especial focus on actualizing one's higher purpose in life and working in cooperation for the good of people and the Planet. People are better able to excel, innovate, express, share, persist, produce and manifest ideas, visions, plans, goals, pursuits and projects, no matter the area: artists, writers, engineers, activists, organizers, health professionals, business owners, inventors, scientists, teachers, parents, builders, leaders, etc. Let's go!
Ingredients: Zincite, Chrysoberyl, Ajoite, Natrolite, Beryllonite, Staurolite

Vax Cleanse/Shield Stimulate the cleansing of toxins, poisons, pollutants, alien substances and miasms from the body and the cellular, biomolecular and DNA levels, as related to old or current vaccinations. Rebuild and regenerate the body's life force, natural immunity, and all tissues including organ, endocrine, nervous, brain, cellular, biomolecular and DNA. Activate and strengthen the entire subtle anatomy. Raises the vibrational frequency of body, mind and spirit.
Ingredients: Shungite, Carbon 60, Crabapple, Lapis Lazuli, Pansy, Peridot, Olive, Turquoise, Green Jasper, I.O. Jasper, Pink Granite, Chert, Gold, Platinum, Walnut, Shattuckite, Variscite, Rutilated Quartz, Tachyon

Wild Rose - For feeling resigned, apathetic, and making little effort
Wild Rose is indicated when people have become resigned to their fate, to some unpleasant situation, to uncongenial work, to their problems, or to a poor state of health. They glide through life making little effort to change their conditions or to find some joy, as they are sure it won't help. They don't complain, nor are they really unhappy about their indifference. They can make dull companions, and they are unable to fulfill their potential. Their voices may be expressionless or monotonous. One key is that they are not depressed about their situation, but have come to accept it and learned to live with it. They don't understand that it's their lack of effort that keeps the conditions in place.
Wild Rose restores vitality, lively interest, and enthusiasm for life and living, helping people to accept responsibility for their circumstances and to take the initiative to fully participate in changing them.

Vibrant Health Formula
Enhance your physical vitality, life force energy, and health by energetically nurturing your skin, immune system, skeletal system, circulatory and lymphatic systems, and all your glands and organs. This beneficial formulation can be universally applied and works well for recovery and convalescence, and with older people, pets and animals.

Yerba Mansa - Heed body instinct & needs. Better health
Yerba Mansa is a native of southwestern North America sporting tiny white flowers on a cone shape with bright white bracts around the base. Numerous native cultures have high regard for this important medicinal plant, using it for all kinds of infections and inflammation. The Flower Essence helps us more readily listen, attend and respond to bodily instincts and needs. It clears negative emotions and beliefs that interfere with our health or block receptivity to healing. We discover a greater appreciation of Nature and living things. Yerba Mansa Essence mildly cleanses toxins and microbes while strengthening the immune system and enhancing the life force. During Kundalini crises, it protects the physical form. It synergizes with Rosa Sericea to better enjoy embodiment, and with Self-Heal, Blackberry and/or Peridot to advance self-healing.

Zincite - Integrate Physical Vitality, Creativity & Personal Power to Manifest
Zincite is a potent elixir for stimulating and integrating the power of the first three chakras. It catalyzes and synthesizes physical energy, creativity, and personal power. By awakening the kundalini at the base of the spine, these vital energies are mobilized to mingle with the higher chakras. This is especially beneficial for the spiritually oriented who often need more focus on these first three centers to manifest their ambitions, pursuits, goals and endeavors. It gives the extra push needed to complete things. Zincite firmly places one's attention in the body to generate alertness here and now. It eases procrastination, hesitancy, timidity, impotence, disempowerment, inability to change, spaciness and fatigue. It improves ground, vitality, stamina, focus, drive, creativity, actualization, determination and personal power. It says, "Let's get things done"!

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